Then I had 8:30 class and we made Cockerel. Not bad. Quick and easy! Chef said it could have been cooked 5 more minutes, i agree here. But my veggies were cooked right, my sauce had good flavor, but too sweet which was from too many veggies in the reduction while cooking. (learned that earlier in that class though) and that the cockerel had good flavor. So overall i did a nice job. (and class sang happy birthday to me because there was a girl next door who's bday it was so my class tried to sing louder afterwards...i think we won!)
After class we went to get coffee. Well coffee..yah...but then Katie went to buy champagne and we drank it through the streets and infront of school! HOW FUN and illegal :) The slide show shows as many pictures as i got from my camera and melissa's camera!!! Also included in the slide show are pictures from when we got back to school, my friends bought me a birthday card that sang and balloons that they put in their hair! So we were crazy! We also, during break, bought candy for our demo! Btw- we learned an almond cake, scottish, and streusel. They were all pretty bland for me. I was too excited for dinner!!!
After class we all left each other and I went home and read a bunch of emails! THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO WISHED ME A HAPPY BIRTHDAY! it was very sweet of you! Then I got dressed and walked to dinner at L'Atelier De Joel Robuchon! What a wonderful evening with 7 of my favorite people (katie we missed you immensely!!!!!!!) My dinner is in french and was in the order i ate it...but if you have a question email me and i can explain what i ate! Whatever it was it was fabulous! Also I drank wine and a kir royal!
The next slides are the pictures people snapped at dinner along with some of the other people's food which was JUST as amazing!!!! Enjoy ;) oh and feel free to laugh at the pictures they snapped of me! and check out the amazing birthday cake they made for me at the restaurant! my friends also sang happy birthday to me 4 times. twice in english, once in spanish, and once in french :) love them!
After dinner, I went home. I had a great day! I don't know why people say at 25 things go downhill...because for just began at 25! I couldn't ask for anything better! Thank you my french friends for giving me the best birthday ever! Beyond birthday...thank you for giving me your friendship! Au revoir :)
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