These are the new tarts at work that I got to make today. One is a pear in strawberry juice with chestnut cream. The other is a pineapple chutney with mango in a szechwan pepper sauce.
Then the other thing I did at work for HOURS was finish the decoration of eggs! I got to put on the belt and the little chocolate circle that says joyeus pacques! Here are some pictures! I did 160 of them.
And now onto the title of my blog! I got a REAL surprise when I walked in today and I saw the man I love...Chef Michalak...standing there in a suit and then leaving but later returning to work! I was told last week I would never see him again! And there he was! It made my day! SO...i had a camera and I knew today was my day! So i approached French...and asked to take his picture! So here it is folks. I apologize for my rosy cheeks...but i was NERVOUS! and with that i revoir :)