yes. this blog is about boys. I know you all want to know about my love life.'s non get ready for a great blog :) However first I have to mention a few things. Because I work all day...the boys i am talking about are from work...duh :) Second...i have to tell you about this girl (NOT like that) at work who rocks! Her name is Liza (not Liza with a Z...she pronounces it Leeza). Anyway...she lived in Philly for a little so she speaks english...but she LOVES swear this is our morning convo.
Her: "hey Bi$%h. How are you?"
Me: "fine and u?"
Her: "Good, Slut. C u later Muthafu%^er"
Me: "ok" that's a sample...but yesterday we got talking about how i was a slut...and she said because I slept with all the guys at work because i call them by the short versions of their names...Alexandre= Alex, Christophe= Chris...etc! I was like...DUH! So now this is an ongoing joke! only adds to my men situation. She is by far my fav person at work...HILARIOUS!!!!! 3) this has nothing to do with boys...but I have to thank Jaimee Gilford for keeping me busy this past week on AIM. Without her...I may have lost my mind from boredness :) However...this week I am starting my i should hopefully be a little busier!!!!
Ok...first off...this blog is dedicated to my good friend Nellz...who has taken a break from blogging...but if you care to read her FABULOUS's on the right hand side of my page :) LOTS of boy stuff...which I love! So...Nellz...this is for you :) and boys. There are a TON of them. I have written down everyone's name (i people keep poppin up!) But there are approx 25+ boys to about 9 girls or so! that's a HUGE difference. Mind you...some of the guys are dishwashers and some of them are 16...but there are a handful which are good enough for me. I'd say...atleast 10. Ok...won't name names...I don't wanna jinx anything...but here goes.
A) The cute one. He is my top choice...well WAS until today. He is french. Don't know his age. and his english SUX. I mean can't understand the word hi...although he knows hello. So it's great when I'm mad at him and I can rant and he has no clue :) Anyway...He's adorable. He works in entrements (cakes). I've worked with him a few times. He calls me his "amie" (friend). He also winks at me however Kaili used to just wink at people and not I wasn't sure. Well anyway...I thought that was a cute, i noticed him doing it to others. Oh well. Yesterday I told him it was adorable when he he smiled more. Good start. Until today! He was a jerk to me (normal for these french men who have power over american woman in the kitchen---i was worned by liza and yuki!) He was telling me what to do...but I was already 20 min over work...and when I told him i needed to go home to write my thesis...he laughed at me. So i just left. Still adorable...but needs an attitude change.
B) The one that speaks english. Second choice...but TOTALLY in the lead!!! He's the bread guy. Speaks (i think) perfect english. YET...still speaks to me in french (meaning he doesnt treat me like a baby). He worked at Charlie Trotter's in chicago and said he can hook me up (that's just a bonus!haha). We had a convo yesterday (not to be put on my blog-email me for info) and he offered to give me his number today. Well today...he kept coming into the room I work in (two rooms away) for NO reason at all...never has done that before, and when I walked into his room (i go in there often to serve coffee) he told me i was sweet. He tried to keep asking me questions so I would stay in there longer. He tells me I always smell good and that I'm hot (uh...ok). Issue...he has A LOT of tattoos...(visible ones) and i THINK he smokes...not sure though. But overall...he's so cute...and SO nice and yah.
C) The asshole. I also go for one of them u know?!? However...he has a unibrow (hahahah) and a mini mustache (is he growing it/trying/or not shaving). But he's tall, dark and handsome. BUT...he has the asshole thing going. Which, day one, i found out. He told me my french sucked...but he's another one...can't speak a lick of i told him back (in french) that my french is better than your shut up :) he liked that one! hahhaa. In anycase...he's gotten better. I think he's noticed that I actually CAN do things (as far as pastry) so he's letting me work more. So maybe at first he was intimidated by me!?! i don't know!
D) The quiet one. Cute...very cute...but SMELLS BAD! typical french. I don't have much to say about him. We work far from each other...but he is really nice to me. He speaks a little english...but when we speak french...he takes the time to explain to me. Even when giving me directions when i work with him. But can I get over the smelly thing?! UH!!!!
E) The friend of the cute one who LOVES the fact that I make him coffee. Ok...he's pretty adorable as well. Today he called me beautiful because I made him coffee twice. It was cute. But then he was being a dick with his friend. Oh well. Yesterday was funny as well because I was making a joke about changing and i started to unsnap two buttons and he was like all wide eyed and goes "Yah...go for it". I just laughed and go..."you wish!" I don't know his age. But....if I keep making him coffee...i'm in :) hahhaha
F) The YOUNG one. He's not cute. But we chat the most out of everyone. He works next to me and he wants to get better at english because he plans on moving to FL or CA in 2 years. He is 20. He is SUPER nice. We actually got yelled at yesterday for talking to much. But he also helps me learn what I'm doing wrong. He also showed me where the office was one day after work. Just a nice guy!
G) The long haired dude. He has hair as long as mine (down to his shoulders). He wears a headband,is a breadbaker, wears all white (including a white thong) and he is SO quiet that he eats his lunch alone. Sad. I've been there two weeks and i finally asked him what his name was. I feel bad for the guy...especially cause is really cute. Oh well.
And then there are a few others...but those are the main ones!!! you know my dilemnas...I will keep you posted. Feel free to email me/comment/ or do whatever you want regarding my boys blog! I had to do one sooner or later. I mean...i waited almost 12 months to write one! hahaha. Ok...i have two days off...i am going to enjoy them...and take a trip to the american library i think! Toodles.