Tuesday, July 24, 2007


So, first things first. I liked spain for a few reasons. 1) i was considered a goddess of beauty out there. I couldn't go anywhere without getting hit on, whistled at, or picked up. Now i KNOW you are thinking...duh....creepy spaniards! NOT ALL OF THEM. They think woman of size are beautiful...and they are :) 2) BEST part of spain (which is a reason i hate france) is regardless of who you are, they speak spanish to you. I hated it there because I couldn't speak spanish (i forgot it all...whoops!) But it was nice because they assumed you weren't a tourist! Here in france, they speak to you in english because they just assume you are a tourist. They don't even let you try which is what i want to do!! Atleast in spain you have the choice to say, I dont want to speak spanish. ARGH!

One more thing....My hostel had tons of deaf people. I read there was a museum for the deaf which was touchable, and i saw there was an international deaf play festival (but i didn't see the dates) but I thought it was interesting. Maybe someone knows more info on this?!?!

But overall, Madrid was beautiful and i had an AMAZING time :) Read on and enjoy the pictures ;)

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