When I first arrived I made kugelhopf. I guess people wanted a lot of it for the new year so I was supposed to make 4 batches instead of 2 and the first two needed to be done the night before! So i did that. THEN...remember christmas with all of the "four sales" (the little quiches and tartlets?) Well we made tons of those again (that's when I was snacking). I didn't take pictures again...but i did thousands of those again. Then the fun part! I got to work with Pierre...the guy who makes croissants every day (isn't that so cliche? Pierre the croissantiere? hahaha). So I made some dough with him. It was SOOO fun! I love making bread. I think that may be my calling...but I'm still not sure! Anyway...here is a picture.
Then I went back to my station eventually. I made the peach tart again and then I got to make a new tart! The (pistachio almond cream) pear/grapefruit tart. I've never tried it before...but it sounds good!!! Anyway...first there is the pistachio almond cream which I didn't put on. But then i had to thinly...and i mean THINLY slice the pears (which we cook everyday ourselves) and lay them ontop. It's harder than it looks! Then after that I put on the grapefruit (remember i mentioned cutting those) and if you see what I'm seeing...that tart looks a little dirty ;)
Anyway...it was fun! Then I went back to petit gateaux and made more buchettes. ofcourse! i think we are done with them though...not sure. Anyway...I got out at 6:30 instead of 6...but it was fine. I was wide awake! I came home and went to bed around 7:15 am. Now I'm planning tonites festivities!!
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