During break I split a sandwich with Kaili and sat while the kids drank cafe. Then went in early to print some stuff. At 12:30 I had CP. I'm beginning to not like the chef that taught this class today. Normally he is fine, but after a while he just starts to say the same thing in class..."bon travail" (good work) and everything is perfect...or good. He said my potatoes, spinach, tomato concasse, and mushroomes were cooked well and my lamb was perfectly cooked (right color). Oh...and he liked my jus. We ALL know that my jus are rarely good. And today was no exception. You should have tasted the others! Anyway...he never gives criticism! all i want from him is SOMETHING that gives me some feed back...not good work! Anyway...here's the plating. We had to do it like that...so don't commend me on good plating :)
After school I went to my bank to do some dirty work! Then came home, made all of my leftover puff, ate my lamb and have since been procrastinating on my FAVORITE new website....www.mycampfriends.com! If you ever went to camp...or if you didn't...check it out! Shout out to TJ (one of my favorite people) who started it! It's finally up and running and I'm addicted! I'll study one of these days :) Have a great nite and check it out!!!!
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