So last nite when I said i was going to read...ooops...i watched Sabrina instead. The orignal with Audrey Hepburn! GREAT movie! If you don't know it! Anyway...I didn't know it and felt like a fool. I was like "why is that random poster hanging up at school" Little did i know...Sabrina goes to LCB in Paris. It's a love story and all that jazz! ANYWAY!!!! School at 8:30 this morn I made chocolates! my chocolate tempered MUCH better today. 1) because we did it first thing in the morning so a) no class was before ours and b) it was cooler outside and 2) it was dark chocolate which tempers better! SO overall I had a better day! We got lucky again because the chef we had is the one that allows us to temper the choc in the bowl and not on the we can stay clean. Plus my tempering tools are at home and what a waste to buy new ones...not like they are expensive...but still! We made truffles and coffee. My coffee ones I put WAY too much coffee extract and rum in them so they were VERY soft. Chef said that when he tasted them he couldn't taste the marzipan and that's the point of the chocolate...but he liked them still. As far as the truffles...I don't like the cocoa powder we have at school cause it's so a few of us used powdered sugar. I rolled mine out pretty round and equal so I did a good job over all. I was pleased.

During break I brought a special treat! I am determined to find a food that Katie doesn't like (not gonna happen!) however I did stump her on food she doesn't know. SO today I brought foreign fruit to school and we all tasted it. I bought Jak fruit, Mangosteen, Rambutan, Sweetsop, Dragon Fruit, and Longons. Well we start tasting and then Trephene comes up all excited saying she used to eat this fruit when she was growing up in Jamaica. We just laughed!
Then we came back to school for a 12:30 CD. It was so boring! We learned cod with onion rings and cabbage and some beer jus, skate salad (one of my favorite fishes...but he cooked it too long!) and a strawberry granita with a mango and passion fruit puree. This is how bored Richard and Leo were :)

After class I went to the gym. Came home, showered and packed up my dinner cause I wasn't starving. I walked back to school cause I didn't want to sit home and I sat at school and chatted with some new people I've never met! I eventually ate my dinner then had wine class from 7-9. We learned wines from the Burgundy area this week. They were ok. Then after class I came home and crashed.
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