Then we had a big break from 11ish to 3:30! So Kaili and I ran a few errands...including picking up some ice cream to counterbalance the meat and came back to my place. We ate ice cream, she read and i sat on the computer, then we fell asleep for and hr and 15 min. We walked back to school at 2:30 and got ready for 3:30 CD. We watched them make Prime Rib and finish off the Beef Burgundy that we have already marinated. Both very tasty. At 6:30 we had PP. YUM! I'm so glad that at 6:30 in the evening out of either cuisine or pastry we were doing pastry cause thats kinda late to be working! anyway, we were making the St. Honore which is the Choux Paste and pretty much whipped cream. Not too shabby! Anyway...class was fun cause we had Chef of my favorite chefs!(crappy picture below!) He is silly so i took a picture of him!
Anyway, I started to whip my cream and I got very light headed. Probably a mixture of not enough water, too much meat in 2 days, and not used to being in a hot kitchen for so long! I was sweating and just needed to stop to drink some water so i didn't pass out! Made it through class needless to say...and about 10 lbs heavier cause i ate so many cream puffs! I did however, throw out my cake cause i didnt want it in the house...i did take a picture though! Chef didn't say anything about our cakes. He was in a good mood one min then not another so i guess he graded us throughout class and didn't tell us. He did say my carmel was as dark as it should be and not to ever go darker. Oh and then he goes "Shutup and listen to me" well i said to him, that "shutup" was a bad word and to use "please be quiet" instead. He didn't quite understand, so my friend Melissa who speaks french explained it to him how it was a bad word and he felt horrible! He kept apologizing and starting using his new words that I taught him. So we shall see if he uses that from now on! Otherwise class was a lot of fun...but ended at 9:15 which was a hell of a long day!
Came home...didn't eat cause I was so stuffed and went to bed cause I was so tired!
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