My last day in the states I went to Max and Benny's for lunch. I had probably my last lox and bagel sandwich for a long time. Then we headed to the airport. We arrived at 2 pm. Airfrance said not to arrive earlier than 3 hrs, but nonetheless there was a line. The people who were heading home had one piece of luggage that was larger than all of mine combined! They were huge! Anyway, as I checked in we asked to upgrade. They said it would be somewhere between 1-2 thousand dollars unless I had air france miles. So that was a no go! Then they weighed my luggage and ofcourse one piece was too heavy so we had to pay 25 bucks. We sat and talked for a while. When I decided to leave, I made my parents wait til I safely made it through security because I always go off. I didn't. I cried when they left. But I got over that pretty quickly. I got online for maybe 20 min, then went to the bathroom, bought H20 and some chex mix the boarded the plane (i promise we are getting to the good stuff!) Ok. So I sat in 28 K, a window seat. I like to rest my head against the wall. Anyway, this ancient woman who spoke only this indian language and no english sat next to me. Except she did tell me she needed to make potty! Well this other woman comes up to me and one of the attendents saying that the ancient woman's family asked her if she would watch the woman til they landed. Well the nice attendant looks at me and asks if I am ok. I said yes. He said I looked unhappy. I said I was scared and then I started to cry. Well, he took that lady and moved her closer to the woman who was supposed to watch her! So now I had two seats by myself. However, lying down...bad option, killed my back! But like seatguru.com said...my seat did NOT go back! ARGH! So I was uncomfortable the entire plane ride. I listened to Sara and Jon's CD and watched where we were in the air. Dinner was salmon cous cous, some fish with potatoes and veggies, cheese, yogurt, oatmeal raisin bar, chocolate sqaure, H20 and WINE! Well that knocked me out for a few hrs. I woke up for OUR new years, but we were over London so it wasn't exciting. Anyway, I'll end this post on the plan then start the new day. I slept through breakfast. We landed at 8:23 am instead of 8:50. As we were landing the nice attendent, Andrew, gave me his number in Paris and told me to call him and he would show me around. Nice but no thanx. Time for customs :)
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