Sunday, December 2, 2007

Il etait une fois

literally translated to- Once upon a time- which is really Enchanted. I saw the movie last nite! I had NO clue that Idina Menzel was in it. Did you? was GREAT! I loved it. The music was great, the story was great...overall great new disney movie!

Let's see. My cousin sent me his computer so I am now on a new computer! Very exciting! I can actually get work done :) So thank you Howie! feature on my blog. On the top right hand corner you can subscribe to my blog. I am NOT positive this is going to work...BUT if you fill in your email address you will get emails everytime I update my blog. That's all. ONLY when I update will you be informed. Not a bad deal since I won't be updating everyday! Try it out. If it doesn't work...can someone tell me please so I can remove it?! Thanx.

Also...I start my stage tomorrow. I have NEVER been this nervous before in my life! I mean NEVER! Not even for an audition or when I had to perform. I can't even eat! (wow...i must really be losing my mind!!!) In anycase...i'm all ready...just freaking out! It's so weird because the word stage (like the thing u perform on) and stage (pronounced with a long a) are spelled the same but mean two different things! I just have to think that they are the same thing and I'll be fine right? Anyway...check back tomorrow because I'll be posting about my big day after it happens! Wish me luck!!!! or no...tell me to break a leg!!!! EEKS!!!

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