He was from the Malongo (french coffee company)training dept. and he was VERY good at selling his product! I enjoyed his 3 hr lecture thoroughly. He gave us a book and a cd! He made the cd so I had him sign it. Then we had lunch. Today during lunch we finished really quickly so me, David, Pauline and Maria went into town. We had coffee, went to the cathedral (where I did a tap dance and David has it on video!) and then Maria bought a new suitcase. Well we wound up getting a little lost and then stuck behind a parked truck...so we were late to our 2pm class. So at 2:15 pm we walked in late to Gerard Pacal speak on "Nutrition and dietary balance" followed by "Genetically modified plants: health hazards and advantages".
Ask me what I remember...?!?!? sorry. I was REALLY tired and 3 1/2 hrs of that was pretty boring. And i wasnt the only one who thought so!! Luckily we only had two speakers today. And we got out early. BUT at 5:30 we got the VERY special chance to go to KRUG. It's a champagne house. And Mr. Remi Krug (who is in the krug family, but retired last year from the champagne house itself-yet still helps) gave us a guided tour with two krug champagne tastings at the end. There was a poster there that said "No Krug, No Thanks" And now that i've tasted it...i COMPLETELY AGREE! You have to get ahold of a bottle of krug...you WON'T be dissapointed! Best afternoon!
We got back to the hotel at 8 and had to go straight to dinner. However, before dinner we got to go into the kitchen!!!! I took a picture with the handsome chef. He remembered me because I was the girl who embarassed herself. haha. However, the kitchen is beautiful and EVERYONE was a male (even though they said they had females). I'd LOVE to stage there!
As far as dinner...once again, terrific. It was our last dinner at the hotel, so we had it in a special room. Well, I was on such a high from the champagne and the wine at dinner that my friends asked me to sing...so...i did. Then two other people started singing! It was a lot of fun. Made me sad and happy at the same time. Pietro has about 5 seconds of it on video...he said he was going to Youtube it...but i highly advised against it :) In anycase...we had fun. I went to bed around 11:30ish. Like I said in my first sentance of this blog...ended on a high note.
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