He actually sat next to me at dinner last nite. He spoke perfect english so we chatted a bunch. Nice guy. He helped me to describe what I felt when it came to the champagne. Then we had lunch. Then at 2 we learned "Aroma chemistry in molecular cuisine" by Hubert Richard.
This was cool. He taught me something which you should all be thankful that I am sharing with you. The way to cut an onion without crying is by spreading some water on the table next to the onion. Or if you are peeling it...peel it under water. I'd explain it to you, but it's scientific and I don't think I can explain it without a dry erase board :) But try it out! I know I can't wait to! Then since one of our lecturers couldn't make it today because of the strike out in paris we had our talk about our exam on saturday and our big thesis paper. Oh...did you not know? I have to write a 30-80 page thesis paper! YAH! I think i have a topic though. I'll keep you posted. In anycase...We got to go home around 5 today. I came home and my friend Pauline (from dublin) came into my room and used my computer and we chatted. Then dinner was at 7:45. Once again...a wonderful dinner! I've been taking pictures of dinner but haven't been posting them. Too many pictures to post! In anycase, dessert didn't fail me again ;) I left to go upstairs at 10ish and didn't get to bed til 11.
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