Let me tell you...it taught me A LOT! Did you know that the US is 30.9% obese?!? that means that 1/3 of the population has a BMI of 30 or higher...and those are stats from 1999!!!! compared to Japan which is 3.2%!!!!! CRAZY stuff! I was shocked. I asked him to show me some more graphs after his lecture as well. He did, and you can be sure that I am going to do more research on this! Then we had lunch. If I haven't mentioned it yet...which I think I have, everyday the students who work in the basement have been making us lunch and it's been GREAT! I've also been trying new cheeses which I am SOOO happy about!!! i love them. Then at 2 pm Natalie Rigal spoke on "The Child's psychology of taste" how are our food preferences determined"?
Now this is the class that made me want to take this course. I can type a whole blog on this topic. I asked her so many questions she must have thought I was nuts. But I will leave you with this. For all of those people out there who say they don't like something but have never tried it...or don't like something because they didn't like it when they were 5 years old or whatnot...TRY IT NOW!!!!!!! Please...do me this favor. We are born with neurons. As we grow older they don't change...we learned, through our psyche, to enjoy foods becuase of experiences we have with them. I urge you to try a new food this week OR one that you thought you didn't like. And I can't say you won't like it right off the bat...but you may like it better than you thought OR you may like it more with repetition. This topic is SOOO interesting....I'll go into further detail if you'd like to discuss :) After this class we took a mini break and waited a few extra min for our next speaker Guillaume Crouzet who spoke about "Editorial line and column choices in a culinary magazine"
He is the chief editor for ELLE (like the magazine we all know!) a table, in france! HOW COOL!?!?! He had the BEST personality out of all of the speakers so far. I asked him how I can get a boss like him!! haha. He loved it. He was so energetic which made me want to pay attention and work as passionately as he does. He had a lot of interesting stories and we got to see the first issue, which doesnt get printed, of the magazine from 7 years ago! It was so neat!!! I came home and relaxed a bit, and then at 8 pm we had our last dinner at Belisaire. I was supposed to go out with a friend intown, but she got wrapped up in plans so I went with the group. In anycase, they did a really nice tasting meal for us. However dinner lasted so long we didnt finish til around 11. i came home and crashed!!!
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