One more observation I forgot to mention - Penny talks a lot about how often she picks up a bagette and eats it on the way to places. I don't know about you, but I thought that was weird. But that is completely the norm here - everyone just walks down the street eating bagettes!
Today we did what any nice Jewish girls would do on a Sunday - church! First we went to Sacre Coeur and I can safely say I don't ever want to climb more steps again. It was really cool though and the views were amazing. (penny here: I've never climbed to the top I took some picts!)
We walked through Montmarte where I bought some cool prints. I really liked Montmarte - all kinds of artists were just selling their crafts and the streets were really old and cute. We continued walking to end at the Moulin Rouge. I can understand why it was recommended that I don't see it at night! Unfortunately we realized that we could have gotten tickets to see a show a little too late. Oh well, Penny will eventually get there.
Then we took the metro to the Islands where we saw Saint Chappelle (something Penny had never seen before!) which was beautiful but a total waste of money. First of all, what church charges admission - 10 euros no less! And right when we walked in there was a gift shop. Totally tacky. But the rose stained glass (or whatever it is) was beautiful, even without a ton of sunlight.(penny here: my pictures)
Then we walked to Notre Dame which was amazing. They were in the middle of mass and let us tourists just come in and take pictures and what not. (penny here: my mass pictures!)
So we both got to experience our first (?) Catholic Masses. We didn't really understand the incense or especially what they were saying but, well, we're better more cultural people because of it :)
Then we walked around and window shopped and ate lunch at this amazing ice cream place. The best ice cream I think I've ever had. (Penny here: bertillon, for those who know) Penny had cinnamon and gingerbread with whipped cream and I had chocolate and caramel with whipped cream and chocolate sauce. What a lunch, huh. We continued walking through the city, did more window shopping, and ended up at Gerard Mulot - the bakery where Penny will be doing her stage. Everything looked awesome in there - I ended up buying some chocolates as gifts and a croque monsieur (not because I like ham or anything but after 7 years of french class, I felt like that was the one thing I HAD to eat!) Penny spoke to one of the cashiers and introduced herself and the girl was really excited - it seems like a fun, happpy place to work.
Then we walked to the Invalides - another place Penny had never been! The Dome, which is where Napoleon's tomb is - was unbelievable. We also walked through the Army Museum (I work for the U.S. Air Force and I felt obligated to at least check it out!) which was interesting, but I wasn't a huge fan, as I'm used to the way the Smithsonian history museums lay it out and it just didn't compare. Penny was pretty bored, so after a completely inappropriate picture (but a tribute to Harand's 40s pageant section), we headed home. (penny: pictures)
Now Penny is getting ready for her introductory dinner with her new program, while I think about the bread and cheese and wine I'm planning on eating for dinner :)
So...dinner with my new class. I've already made predictions about people and who I'm gonna like and who I wont. A little short breakdown. There are 17 people from 11 countries. 4 of us are from the US and 4 of the people are men (none of the men are from the US...nor are they cute and young!). A few of them went to LCB so I am NOT the only one...and whom i shall refer to as JJ will be the death of me and I hope to get through this course without telling her off :) Otherwise I look forward to the fun times with most of these peeps!!!!
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