We spent from 2:45 to 8 am there with a quick breakfast somewhere towards the end. Then we went to La Sorbonne which I was SOOO excited about…even though I was BEYOND exhausted. We had two classes today. First was Jean- Robert Pitte on “Cultural Geography of wines”.
However I barely paid attention to him and I don’t really think he spoke about that either. He spoke more on the history of wine! The second speaker was Gilles Fumey who spoke on “Products of terroir, products of high standard: food from the regions”.
He wasn’t bad, but I was so sleepy everything at that moment didn’t matter. He gave us a copy of his book he wrote and I got it signed! Pretty cool!!! After class I was so exhausted that I skipped lunch and went home. I took a 3 ½ hr nap and then woke up to pack, shower, laundry AND clean my room. I barely finished at 6:30 when I had to leave to go to the Hotel. I got there, dropped my stuff off and had to be at dinner at Belisaire at 8. I had a nice dinner with the group. However dinner was Rouget on a stick (the red fish that looks like a….nevermind) In anycase…there were 3 of us who didn’t want it so we got beef instead! Thank god! Then I came home at 10ish and caught up on blogging, but my computer sux!
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