After class I sat downstairs, drank a diet coke, and went over my notes trying to figure out what chef said we could make together in this practical. Eventually we all went to class and it turned out we could pretty much do the ENTIRE practical in pairs, except the macarons! It was a blast. Kaili and I kicked ass. And so did Melissa and Katie if I may say so. The 4 of us...we just rock. We were done before everyone else. I'm starting to think chef is liking us more. And he actually said to me today that he can see how I have gotten more organized and my product is much better than basic...well DUH! But was nice to hear. Anyway, chef liked ALL of kaili and I's products. I think we did a great job...and we work really well together. It's cause we have a plan and want to do it quickly and efficiently. Anyway, it was a fun practical. We made 3 things. Green tea cakes with white chocolate ganache, Chocolate macaroons with pistachio buttercream, and shortbread cookies with mandarine. We were supposed to use Jasmine...but Chef couldn't find it. Eh...oh well. In the picture I just piped the batter out two different ways. And on the macaroons, I put tops on a good amount of them. But they are technically restaurant petitfours, so they are served on plates. We didn't present them like that.
After class was done I ran to the gym, the one by school, and did a quick work out. I took a fast shower, and then went straight to Sarah's. She had her class over for wine and cheese and food (plus my cake I made the day before and the petitfours that I made!). She is in intensive cuisine now, so her class is only 16 people. I got there when only 7 people were there...but they were HILARIOUS! I've never met a bunch of funnier people. Anyway, it was a blast. I stayed til about 12:30. Then everyone left. I helped her clean up since she is letting me clean my uniform there since i STILL have no hot water :) I came home and went to bed at 1:15. It was a great day!!!
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