Today was a very long day! At 8:30 I had a PD. We learned the Fraisier which is what I am making later. So i'll describe it then :) Then during lunch I ate my matzoh and went for cafe with my friends. Then at 12:30 we made the duck and gnocchi. And today's fun was...during class once a trimester they do a test fire drill for the basic students just to warn them incase one happens. So my chef has been teaching at the school since 1989 and the person in charge of the drill had to come into our room twice to tell us to leave because he insisted on showing us how to truss a duck and not leave the room. He said "what are we basic students? I'm trying to teach my class!" all in french of course. So he actually finished showing us and we were the last class out of the building. When we got outside he started cussing. Then the alarm stopped practically as we walked out and we got to walk back in. We just laughed. I mean what if there was a real fire. It was funny stuff though! Anyway...chef said my duck was cooked perfectly, and my jus was good. However my gnocchi needed more salt. I told him I wasn't allowed to eat flour so I didn't taste it. He said he understood and forgave me. (oh yah right!) Anyway...I was not pleased with my dish today. Chef made us remove ALL of the skin from the duck. Who deskins a duck?!?!? He was concerned with the cholesterol and he said that too! THIS IS FRENCH COOKING! and what french chef says that! It was so time consuming! is my french blah that I made.

Then after class I had a break so I ran to the gym. Well not ran...but at the gym I did that and listened to two more french lesson. Then I came home and showered, ate, and went right back to school! At 6:30 we had a PP. We made the fraisier. It's a strawberry cake with a genoise soaked in a kirsch syrup, with a mousseline and lots of strawberries and italian meringue on the top. It was a good practical for me. We had another new chef. Where do they come from?!?!?! Anyway...i spoke a lot of french in the class. He actually thought I spoke french. I told him no, I was just learning. Anyway...he said my cake was great. I was not pleased with my meringue and how i spread it out...but it was the chefs fault cause he cut my cake too low on the top which inturn made it crumb when i started to spread the meringue. Oh well. It looks fine.

After school I came home and did some homework then crashed!
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