What a day! At 8:30 we had CD. We learned this NASTY fish which you will get the joy of seeing and reading about later (and i promise you will get a good laugh), a terrine with langoustines and lamb sweetbreads (do you know what sweetbreads are?!?!?!---they are the neck glands...like the thalamus), and then a poached pear with chopped fruit and a tuile. Hey...the dessert was good :) So after class we went for coffee and I just chatted today while I munched on matzoh and butter! Then at 12:30 we had a PD. We learned a cake called the Jamaica. It's really amazing! But you'll get details tomorrow when i make it!!!! Then at 3:30 we had a break. i hate breaks in the middle of the day! I ran some errands then came home to eat dinner. Then back to school. Ok so at 6:30 we had CD. We made red mullet with an olive tapenade and a star anise and fennel sauce and an onion custard. All of it...NASTY! But please...take a look at the red mullet and how we had to cut them :) If you all know me and my mind...maybe you will be thinking what i thought in class. If you don't know...feel free to contact me. Enough said.

This class consisted of a lot of working together. So we made the sauce and the tapenade together. Plus we cooked our fish on the same baking sheet. So class went VERY quickly. We were done by 8:30. Not to mention chef said everything was good on all of our plates :) haha. That's it. He said everything was great. These are the pictures AFTER it was cooked...and it still looks nasty.

After class I waited for Kaili since she was assistant. Then I walked home, blogged, going to do some homework then bed!
P.S. Happy Birthday Jon!!!
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