I know I am not making it in class...but now i can make it and anyone who wants me to make them for you...i am ready and willing and can't wait! YUM!!!! So that was a great class! Then for break I sat with my friends while they ate hot dogs and crepes! Weird combo :) I had a coffee! At 12:30 we had a PP, which was CHAOTIC! The Chef kept yelling at us to finish and I don't blame him because we were WAY behind schedule. They make the classes 3 hrs but 2 1/2 are to be working time and the last 30 min are to be for us to clean and leave not to still be working. Well, we were! It was bad. Anyway, this class was not a good one for me! I personally did well...but I made so many palmiers that not all of mine got to bake cause there wasn't room in the oven and THEN the chef dropped half of mine that DID bake...so the ones in the picture are the ones you see that I got to take home, when everyone else got to take home double the amount...and I had even more than everyone else if I could have baked all of them! ARGH! Whatever...better for my waistline ;) But I stole a few of Kaili's on my way to the Museum (I'll explain later) So my apple turnovers came out ok. I didn't like my decoration, but the puffed nicely. I was in a rush cause I thought I had to be at the Museum at 3:30 so I asked the chef to look at my stuff at 3:30 (when class was SUPPOSED to be done) and he said they both looked good and i ran to change.
Anyway...I went to the Museum of Natural History cause I was working an Alliance Francaise Gala. Nothing huge, but they said to be there at 3:30 cause at 4 there was a tour. So i knew I had SOME time to play with. Well I got there at 4pm on the dot! Well the tour was self guided (after i ran from the metro!!!!) So i walked around (and took a few pictures of things i liked! we couldnt use our flash otherwise i would have taken more!)
After I walked around a bit, went into the gift store, I came downstairs to meet the other LCB people and we got into uniform. I'm gonna make a long and boring story short. I hung coats for a while, served champagne, ate crappy boxed food, and complained that they kept me too long, so they sent group A home! But truely I had fun with the people I was with, plus I met some cool people, so that was a bonus! Then I came home and crashed cause BIG day on Thur :)
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