Monday, July 9, 2007

July 9, 2007

Easy day :) I woke up ay 8...went to the gym....came all ready for school...and left! I had my first pain au chocolat today in almost 2 months. It was tasty. At 12:30 I had a PD. We learned Jams and Confitures and different gummies. It was an ok class. At 3:30 we had a CD. We learned Pea soup with bacon and whipped cream (ALWAYS reminds me of the exorcist!), Lamb with couscous in a spicy sauce with veggies, and for dessert a foamy caramel with cognac and coffee flavored whipped cream! After class I went home and cooked myself some pasta and bought a baguette and ate lots of cheese. It was carb day for me :) I haven't eaten many in the past few I thought I'd endulge! Did some email responses and now I'm going to read and get a good nite sleep!

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