Then at break we went for coffee. I've decided I'm gonna hold back on my coffee intake. I'm spending too much money on coffee and it doesn't even help me :) So I just went to sit! Then we came back to make our beef! What a great class. I kicked some butt if I say so myself! I barely asked for help, and I whipped up my stuff like I actually knew what i was doing. When i finished chef congratulated me on a job well done and told me tres bon for everything. He said it was perfect. *smile* So i succeeded in a great dinner...which is what I will be making when I get home for all my friends and i hope u like beef tournados with french fries and bernaise sauce (and an artichoke!). I sure liked it...especially the fries...oy!
Then we got out very early and some of my friends went for more coffee and some a beer...but I stayed at school and checked some emails and stuff! Then at 3:30 we a PD and we learned how to make brioche!!! Well Chef likes to take his time so class took FOREVER today. We learned tons of brioche types though...and he made a kugelhopf. But only one and that's my favorite. Well I made it a point to go up to him and tell him after class...and he gave me the WHOLE thing :) I think he likes me! heehee. So i ate some of it and shared the rest! I also asked him in class why it was that his croissant tasted better than ours. He said he uses his OWN recipe when he makes it for us! So i asked him if he could give it to us. So he did! It has WAY more sugar it in. But i knew something was fishy when there was a HUGE taste difference. So annoying that he can make his products and we make the crappy stuff! I also asked why my friends and I's tasted different. He said because maybe we weighed things out differently, or the amount of yeast and how fresh it was or how much time it had to rise. Just a lot of reasons. Very interesting. After school I attempted to go to the gym...however after eating so much food today and the HORRIBLE smells (most of the french don't know how to wear deoderant) I had to leave after 30 min cause i thought I was gonna yarf! So i came home and watched a horrible/great movie that a friend at school told me I had to watch. It was called Duets with Gweneth Paltrow and Huey Lewis. It was all about karaoke contests. Pretty funny. Took up some of my that was good. Then I went to bed :) GREAT DAY!
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