These are pictures of the dressing room where I change. Nothing special...but I thought i would take a picture of it ;) haha. Thats my coat and blue LCB bag!
The first two pictures are of the Kugelhoff that I made and then the finished product that was in the store. The third picture are the mini brioche and kuglehoff that I roll into mini balls :)
These are the lime almond tuiles that I made. I then spent forever baking them. The guy who was incharge of me asked how I know how to bake them so perfectly and put them into the mold so well. I told him I went to school for this AND i make tuiles at home ('s really not that hard!) you can see...I made a hell of a lot!!!
This picture is of all the mini tartlet molds that I have been telling you about that I've been cleaning. That right there is about 400. (plus i did some that are in another bin)
Then I made a batch of financiers. Easy.
So...I did a few other things as line some tart molds (which I forgot to take pictures of...I will in the next few days) but that was a bulk of my work on tues! FUN!!!!
And then I had a day off on mon and wed. Monday was a bit boring. I went to the dr. I have plantar faciitis. It has something to do with why my feet have been hurting! And then wed I had my trainer as usual...and the hot guy at the gym FINALLY said hi to me....only because he was talking to my trainer seb :( Oh step closer! hahaha. And then I met up with Maria and her daughter!! WONDERFUL DAY! I love her to death...and her daughter was just as wonderful!!!! We ate lunch, walked the champs a bit and then had starbucks! Lovely afternoon with lovely people! I'm so glad we became friends during the HEG program. I am a better person because she is in my life. truely! and i thank her for being in my life!
Anyway...there is a picture of Maria and her daughter, Maria. And then me and Maria and then two pics of the lights on the Champs-Elysees! GORGEOUS! Once again...home and to bed early! Back to early hours this week!
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