WOW! no words to describe how amazing this was! lucky for you guys...someone generously said to me "feel free to take pictures as a souvenir" so of course I started right away!!! I don't think I'm going to tell you what I did in order, but I'm going to post pictures and then tell you what I worked on within that product! (plus there was A LOT more that i didn't take pictures on!) Also...small tidbits....we do clean. That wasn't a rumor. 3 times a day. The first two are just table tops and small mop of the floor (plus the squeegee-like a windshield wiper-which i LOVE) and the 3rd clean is the MAJOR to bottom. I don't mind the cleaning. It's actually fun because everyone gets involved (including the chefs!!) and I know that after the last one i get to go home! Now...dishes. YES i do have to do dishes...but 1) they have a dishwasher and 2) i have to do it MAYBE once a day! and the dishes in the sink i do voluntarily because i am a nice person! Oh and get this. Since we don't have to do our laundry after lunch we were told we HAD to change our uniform everyday during lunch time and go get it switched at the "laundry mat". CRAZY! But it was so nice to be in a clean uniform during the second part of the day! We are STARK white! And if i get dirty, I still have a 3rd one i can go change into in my locker! it's great! Other than that, I start at 7:30am (on the days I work in the morning with a 30 min lunch break at 11:30-early but then again i eat breakfast at 6:30) with an ending time that no one has told me an exact time yet (however my first day i got off at 5:30 and my second day somewhere around there)! My days off are going to be Sun, Mon, and Tue. I will be working some night shifts (i think from 2pm-12pm?!) because I asked if I could plate and they said yes! Which means I will be working at the famous Alain Ducasse Plaza Athenee Restaurant. OMG that's amazing! Otherwise, the people are SUPER friendly, the boys are pretty cute (AND SOOOO nice), and I'm loving what I'm doing! I'm super happy here! I wish it was longer than a month :( are some pictures to start off with! Enjoy and there will be more to come :)
This one I got to put on the streusel, the orange peel, and the chocolate squares.
The chocolate I coated in chocolate glaze and sprinkled with almonds covered in gold powder, the pink I put onto the macaron and added the orange peel, the green I put onto the macaroon and added the green glaze dot on top, the white I place on the coconut sable and did the red lines and put on the wild strawberry!
These two cakes I got to make by adding the almond cream and then either the strawberry or pineapple chunks. Then it's baked. Then on top is for the strawberry: strawberry compote, powdered sugar, strawberries, glaze and strawberry marshmallow squares. For the pineapple (which I haven't personally done yet-except for cut the pineapple!) is pastry cream with Malibu rum (ARGH-that's for people who know Ben!), powdered sugar, pineapple, and glaze.
Now other things I've done but haven't posted....cut brunoise, made cookies, made mi-cuit (real version of the molten cake), made a few chantillys and creams, weighed ingredients, assembled a few petit gateaux (mini cakes), first in-first out the fruit in the fridge (i actually LOVE doing's a working in a restaurant thing! haha), and some other things which I know I did but i can't remember cause i left my notes at work! but i WILL keep you posted! Hope you enjoyed those few pictures! I can't wait to do more :) yipee!!! off to get some rest! toodles
1 comment:
PS I can tell you've lost weight....keep up the good work....
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