That's me serving coffee! hahah. Chef said to me (in french ofcourse) "is there a strike on coffee?" because I was SO busy with making galettes i didnt have time to make coffee! It was funny. Then the next day he was clapping his hands and going "du cafe, sil vous plait" it rhymed. GREAT!!! Ofcourse i made him coffee!
Other than that today(oops...posted a little late) I did a LOT of peeling...mangos and pears. I think I peeled for an hr and a half total! eeks. But i'm still loving it!
Today wasn't the best day though. My metro was late so when I arrived everyone thought I wasn't gonna show up! But i did :) Then I hit my finger with the rolling pin! Ouch! Then eventually I cut myself with the peeler. And to top it all was "joke with penny" day. Ok, not really, but two people made me believe something that wasn't true! I laughed in the end...but argh! The whole french/american speaking thing can be annoying sometimes! Oh and two new people started today. I dont know if they are interns or workers...but yah.
And the pictures below are of Alex decorating a cake (well styrofoam). I took pictures of the progress and then him at the end with it. It was BRIGHT pink. Who in their right mind would order that?!?!
So as i said I posted late...but yah. Now i have two days off. More posts to come!!!
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